Another Long Class of Editing

 Hello and welcome to or welcome back to my blog! In todays blog I will be telling you what I did to finish most of the editing for my final task. So all that was left was to edit the last scene, which was the longest and most complicated, and to research and add the text message icons.

As I've established in my previous blogs, it is my job to put the video clips in the correct order. It is Annabel's job to match the audio with the video since it was recorded on a different device, and it is Kesters job to review it and point out any mistakes. 

I start off the editing process and the first thing I did was put together the clips. This scene was the most tedious of all the scenes because it is the scene at the party and when she gets taken. The first part of the scene where the girls get out the car was an easy start because it is one take of a wide shot of the characters getting out the car. When they get in the party that this when it starts to stem away. The camera tracks through the party but cuts toward a different action depending on the way the groups head turns. When their head turns left the camera pans to the scene on the left. Even though the camera pans there is still a closer shot of them playing uno that had to be timed correctly. I had to do the same thing for the other side until the camera follows the character Ava to the back where she goes on her phone. The scene then cuts to Ava walking out the door. At this part of the final task I don't think there should be transitions because everything is supposed to be abrupt. Up until the bag gets put on her head. I put a black screen and that is when our movie name will come up.

Since class was coming to an end I gave my phone to Annabel so she could start syncing up the audio. There wasn't any time left in class to add the text icons so I'll have to do that next time. So I am able to just get right into it next time, I spent the rest of the class watching YouTube videos on how to add the text ions.

That's it for today’s blog, thank you for reading and stay tuned for the next one!

The video I watched the learn


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